これはCAT ISLANDです! (田代島)。仙台の北東にある石巻港からそれを得ることができます。
スペイン語(メキシコ)副題のおかげで:Eduardo Lugo(GagaBabymetal)
ロシア語の字幕:Oli King
ポーランド語字幕:Kasia Ludwiczak
トルコ語字幕:Ensar Alioglu(saiyajin)
* YouTubeでは、サブタイトルを送信したユーザーの名前は表示されなくなりました。私たちにメッセージを送ってください!
音楽 – Josh Woodwardの "Swansong"無料ダウンロード:
I love cats and I really want to go to the island, but … I live in Germany. It's definitely 1 or 2 hours or 1 or 2 days away. Nevertheless, I would like to travel there once in my life
I can finally die happy…..
Holy, that's one huge clan.
Theyre trap
Do japanese cat speak japanese?
If I were Rachel I would take all the cats home!
I want to move there
Want to save the cats ? Ship them off to other mice infested areas, I doubt their predatory instincts have gone dull, you'll save them by making them hunt for their food.
Ah I love Tashirojima! I've done a report on it, and I've made it one of my goals to go there! I love cats, so It's one of my dreams. <3
Me and my friends also plan to go there if we ever get a veterinarian degree//
I found heaven
They need treatment, of course many of them are sick,but what's the plan for the future with cat islands?
But can I keep them?
I would like to visit that island! and caring those wonderful creatures.
That's it I'm moving in
:15 Cat fishing?
I love the contrast between your take on cat island and Sharlas'. Same place, completely different narrative.
I20cats you mean
That's a lot of cat shit.
can we adoptttt?
Why we have no fun places like this in U.S?
한 번 가보고 싶네요
and then theres this guy..xD
The old lady was my favorite
4:04 持って帰ろうとすな!w
A heaven for cat lovers
At my church, we do events every year arranged by the youth where we raise money for purposes to help the world. I would love to help this island!!!
Would it be possible to take one home?? There are just so many i feel like the competition for food must be horrific really. No wonder many are sick, especially since there are too many to take care of individually. My cat, Sona, recently passed away due to someone running her over. Ive missed her dearly and am in no mood for another cat, but i feel as if that would change if i went there. It would feel great to adopt one of the cats, especially those that need help like that one kitten.
I will visit it, as soon as I finished my Study and have enough money and japanese lessons, I will visit the cats!!
T^T cats
i dont think i should come since im allergic to dem cats but it sucks cuz i love cats
am a cat person
Wait, so you can just take the cats and run away????? YASSSSSS IMA DO DAT! And pretend that it’s my cat XD HAHAHAH LOL
Kegy war hier
I love you people
I'm crying
Are there dog islands?
The japanese government must do something about the poor cats. Asap
yo vivo aqui en 石巻 si alguien quiere un tour que me able