Gateboxと呼ばれる世界初のバーチャルアニメロボット、Azuma Hikariに、あなたのスマートな家を自動化するだけでなく、あなたがいるときにあなたの存在に反応するバーチャルガールフレンドとしても働くことができますあなたが離れている間、あなたは気持ちの良いテキストメッセージを送ってくれます。
OTAKU =は、コンピュータや社会文化の犠牲になるような大衆文化(コミックやアニメなど)の特定の側面に夢中になっている若者のための日本語です。
is there a Shrek mod for this?
let me say guys if ur about to buy this stuff see the title? it say Girlfriend let me talk about it shes a girl and shes ur friend so shes
1:41 im a girl..
When will we get this in the USA.
How does she text with you?
I think its sad that people are negative to people who have issues with finding friends and girlfriends. To me its no different then telling a brain damaged child to get a life, grow up, or what ever other nasty thing people say. Finding ways to help people even if its robots shouldn't be looked at as a bad thing. How ever the more negative I see from people the more I wish I was not human.
Oh cool someone who knows what otaku really means
Is it an actual AI or a set of programmed responses?
I think this is pretty cool. This represents an evolutionary step in technology, and I can only imagine future development of the character/characters personality with jokes/anecdotes and I suppose other small talk
I was reading the comments in the comment section of the official youtube trailer video for GATEBOX and overall people liked the video but had negative things to say such as “This is sad, pathetic and depressing in many ways imaginable,” I think it is a bit expensive $300,000 yen or $2700 US Dollars, but other than that, I think it's cute & cool. as I love anime and anime girls 🙂