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C'est horrible de voir ces milliers d'oiseaux mourir sans comprendre ce qui leur arrive! Ces imbéciles de BP, c'est la peine de morts qu'ils méritent!!!
devastating! this is so sad
I'm no "environmentalist", but the spill is a ctastrophe made worse by the media blackout. There are battle-ready troops deployed (why? To shoot the oil slick?)
I believe they are keeping things under wraps as much as possible so when the true scale is revealed, it will be too late to clean it up without MASS evacuations from the coastal region
Oil has been forced to go offshore because there is no more oil in the USA, except offshore. The only oil left in the USA is in the form of shale. Look it up, extremely hard to process, uses tons of water to extract the oil. Lots cheaper to drill offshore, use blowout preventers that don't work, then pretend your company is trying to plug the leak. I say screw BP, take over BP and give all their assets to Mobile or Exxon. That would be funneh lol.
I don't understand the argument that environmentalists are in any way to blame. I do not want to continue this debate over multiple messages, just have my point heard as you did yours.
The safety of the environment is the no. 1 concern of any environmental organization, where as an oil company is driven by profits. Yes regulations have passed which resulted in the oil being pushed more offshore, but corners were cut and things were neglected and that is how this leak came about.
my heart is broken forever
@gjtek2003 dude, stfu. Don't make me hire 3 homos to rape the shiet out of ya. I'll record the whole thing and send it to your whole family.
BP fucked this up bad.
I thought this would be a funny cat video, but cat Island doesn't have cats. It only has birds.
@JECLib lol.. /facepalm
@the5centjoeker propaganda? my ass. GTFO republicunt, of course you would doubt any facts in front of your face.
Absolutely heartbreaking!
People wont learn of this horror if these films just remain on the internet. The news corporations are not showing the detail that is required to fire people up to demand a swift resolution, and justice. This is a long term disaster which will require long term effort to fix the damage.
I would like to throw the BP execs in this water
@LillyGrillzit ill take your jeep off your hands for you
We are very very sad and angry and can't come down since weeks!
Throw Tony Hayward and the other Big Pollutioners and the MMS into JAIL!
Take ALL their Billions and try to save a s many Animals as you can over there Folks.
It's time to start having clean alternative energy. There is such a thing as water carburetors for cars. It was invented in the past and oil companies bought the patent to junk it.
This is so sad. Thank you for making the videos.
heartbreaking. 🙁
@tnichlsn he may not be able too. The way the laws are set up, and im not sure how they are set up mind you, may make it hard for him do that. Look at that news crew who possesses the rights the press do and how they were threatened with arrest if they didn't leave the area immediately.
and why hasn't Obama seized all BP assets yet? what is he waiting for?