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Ugh not sanitary
Cruel! You shouldn’t encourage this!
And she seems to be enjoying every bit of it helping at the restaurant and everything I love it I want her so bad God bless her you can tell she's being well cared for it too and that's very important God blessed the monkey and the family
The owner probably spends a lot of time picking up edamame off the floor
I wouldn't want those filthy things anywhere near my food or drink!
I think it’s sexually objectifying to force waitresses to wear short skirts like that (although i’ll be the first to admit she does have a sweet ass).
The masks are just creepy
I am Japanese. This is animal abuse!
This is animal abuse.
he prob doesnt sleep alot
So cute, get me one do I can love them too… feed them, teach them to climb trees, forage for food…bananas, nuts, bugs they can find when they forage.
Hi! Can VOA News use this video with credit? I messaged you, please also feel free to email me at ali@voanews.com. Thanks!
Amazing monkeys!! How much is your expenses eating in that resto
reminds me of paan-kun the chimp..
damn i want that monkey to serve me every time <3 and i will serve her after <3
Ben seni yerim ya
As long as the monkeys have a union and a great healthcare plan…Thanks for sharing this, really fun and the animals seem to be well treated.
Good super
Is it still open? Wikipedia says its shut down?
I would have given those mankeys hugs
OK, this monkey waitress can serve but can she make change as well? LOL
Why is the monkey wearing a chain around his neck?
I would kiss that monkey hahaha so lovely!!! RESPECT FROM GREECE!!! LOVE JAPAN!
9 seconds in and THIS is what i live for
omg amazing