お寛ぎ中のコテの肉球をコチョコチョっとやると、ナゼかコテッと仰向けに(* ^。^ *)しばらくすると、「すーーーー」と過呼吸気味な鼻息が聞こえてきたので、カメラをテーブルの上にセット☆私がカメラの陰からチラチラ顔を覗かせると、さらに過呼吸気味に(笑)猫の鼻息だ、たまにすごいうさんとききますよね^ ^;
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お寛ぎ中のコテの肉球をコチョコチョっとやると、ナゼかコテッと仰向けに(* ^。^ *)しばらくすると、「すーーーー」と過呼吸気味な鼻息が聞こえてきたので、カメラをテーブルの上にセット☆私がカメラの陰からチラチラ顔を覗かせると、さらに過呼吸気味に(笑)猫の鼻息だ、たまにすごいうさんとききますよね^ ^;
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Yes, the eyes of the cat are attractive very beautifully. Yes, I kiss him for you.^-^ Thank you for your very glad words.(*^^*)
Kotetsu is a very beautiful cat, and their eyes are so cute ! Kiss him for me please !
The translation site that I am usually using is "Yahoo", "excite", "Google". Very difficult to translate well. Therefore, I try to translate always many times. It takes a hell of a time to do it. When I was a student, I should have been neatly studying English. The model and the item number for the camera that I use are "Panasonic LUMIX DMC-LX5". Please retrieve it in the search box on YouTube. What kind of commodity it is can be seen. I will go to see your video later. ^^
Thank you so much.^^ Does it ask about the maker of the camera? The maker of the camera is Panasonic. I purchased this digital camera in March of this year. It is possible to take a picture of the cat like this very beautifully. Thank you very much for your wonderful comment.(=^^=)
Thank you so much.♥ Yes, he seemed to be very sleepy. And he watched me with the face which he suspected again.^m^ Always thank you for kind words.♥
Thank you so much!^^ Yes, his eyes were very cute.♥ His line of vision moved according to my movement. I enjoyed it. Thanks for the nice comments!
aww kotetsu is just too cute and handsome. His eyes are just too beautiful 🙂
Thank you so much.♥ Yes, I was surprised that the speed that he breathed was slightly early. Probably it would become so concerning the angle of the neck. Thank you for hug & meow from Ivan-chan.=^o^=
Thank you so much.^^ Yes, Kotetsu's eyes looked very attractive. And his soft and fluffy belly was wonderful.(*^^*) Thank you. Kotetsu says nyao♪ to Michita-chan. Always thank you for hug.♥
Black jellybeans? It seems to be delicious. The Japanese often says, "Azuki(Red bean)" of it. Thank you for a wonderful comment.♪^^
コテッ=3 萌えっ(*´▽`*)ですよね♥ 狭いテーブルの脚に乗っけたらドアップ☆になっちゃいました(^^ゞめっちゃすーすーゆってますよね(笑)最初からうるさかったけど、私が変な動きし始めたらもっと激しくなっちゃいましたよ^m^コテも寝息すっごいうるさいときありますよ~あれはもうイビキですよね(笑)
Thank you so much.^^ I put a camera to his side without using a zoom function. His face of the close-up was very interesting. Thank you for enjoying this video. NoName20643-san too! Have a good day!(*^^*)
@saepyong さん、コメントありがとうございました♪(*^▽^*)
Aww so cute face and eyes. Kotetsu-kun is a handsome and good kitty. Thanks for sharing. Michita says nyao to Kotetsu. Dear friend hugs from Mary and Michita
the paw pads look like black jellybeans… :3