ブーデー165 – 冬の雪の野生の猫の8インチ

天気予報は間違っていました。 2〜4インチの雪になっていたのは本当に8でした!シムバとブーは、シムバがブーの部屋とブーの部屋の外に出かけると、逆の役割を演じた。ブーはネコとの統合時間が長くなり、ステラで飛び降りました。ステラはそれの外でブーと木枠で時間を過ごした。ブーは階下に走ろうとした。 Dr. Elseyのお砂糖はふるい分けの箱を詰まらせました。ステラは、新しい柔らかい猫のベッドに寝るのが大好きであることを発見しました。

Amazon Wish List:









イケア猫ベッド(Duktig Doll Bed):





KITTY CONDO(イケアユーティリティカート):

SHEBA MEATYテンダースティック:





ベンチ&フィールドホリスティックNATURAL CAT TREATS:


CANON G7X Mark IIカメラ:



高評価数: 335 低評価数: 16

投稿日時:2018-01-09 02:00:03





  • Polly g 7年 ago

    splash,should be called BANE..who else is hoping hydrax eventually makes it to inside cat status,its no life for a domesticated animal,lucky Feral mum understands,we did this to the feline breed,as such we owe it to them to try everything to give them a decent life,they are no longer suited to living wild,they is many cats that cant be tamed,but they is many ferals with this type of effort they can be saved

  • Charlotte Van Straten 7年 ago

    I would offer my ideas, but feel as if my opinion is unwanted. So I will be silent. I watch everyday.

  • Thomas Paine 7年 ago

    What? Boo is "jumping" Stella ? isnt this PG here ?

  • Thomas Paine 7年 ago

    aawww take down the gates and let em play !

  • Kristopher Davis 7年 ago

    I think Boo is trying to declare himself King Boo!

  • Jerrilyn Papilon 7年 ago

    I wonder if it's just me but im curious about our senior Hydrox personality he is so mysterious.

  • Martin McHugh 7年 ago

    Simba is by far the coolest cat. Seems very friendly and trusty. Splash is a little too skittish and Stella can turn a little harsh at times. Boo, well Boo is just a slightly wild cat, but very happy. I like them all. Hydrox is still an unknown gem…

  • J.F. Richard 7年 ago

    I couldn't help noticing the new subtitle of this video: "Feral Cats In The Winter", replacing the long-running "Training And Socializing A Feral Cat". I guess it was time to move the focus back to the whole clan, rather than being all about Boo.

    I hope that our buddy Boo will be able to adjust to the social life of a cat living with other cats. I still think he's not being overly aggressive, but he's just very socially awkward. Giving him a few seconds to finish pouncing on Simba (while standing by with a broom to break it up) might be a necessary risk, to see where he's trying to go with it. He may very well break it off on his own once he sees how Simba reacts. I understand the risks of the FIV situation, but there is just no way to know what he has in mind until he's given a chance to act on it.

    Kittens learn how to play-fight by going too far, and having their litter mates yelp in protest. Boo learned not to swat at his human for toys or treats by seeing her reaction, and adjusting his behaviour. There was never any malice in his rough interactions with his caretaker. He didn't know any better, but he learned. This may very well be the same kind of situation, and he has shown himself to be smart enough to learn from experience. He can do it again!

    Sending positive thoughts.

  • Beverley Hagaman 7年 ago

    Hi Boo, be a smart boy Boo Velvet. Stella truly looked like a queen in her cozy bed.

  • sherry1674w 7年 ago

    I enjoy this guy and he seems to really understand cats and what they are really about…just thought I would share it here for everyone too…we all can learn….more and more about these precious creatures….

  • sherry1674w 7年 ago

    LF…please be careful of the litter for if it gets that hard, if the cats ingest some when it is on their fur, it could cause them some issues…hence the reason some people use litter that is less clumping…just a FYI

  • sherry1674w 7年 ago

    ok…didn't attach the video…here it is…

  • sherry1674w 7年 ago

    Hi LF….just had to share this wonderful video of cats with yoga….and there is a tiny bit where the two cats have a 'in your face' situation…rather funny…they have been together for a number of years…enjoy…Sherry 🙂 Now I will watch this…

  • Meo Cover Home 7年 ago

    nice nice cat 😛

  • chez moi 7年 ago

    When my cats have done things I want to stop fast, I clap my hands. That usually distracts them and gets their attention. Because it is a neutral sound, it seems more effective than any vocalization, which under stress can betray emotions that may not be appropriate. Then there's time to assess the situation and react well.

  • AM DiGennaro 7年 ago

    You have to understand that Boo believes he owns the upper level. The cats will also have a few scuffles until the new hierarchy is established.

    I live with six former ferals one is FIV positive. He and one female are living with me for seven years. The other four came in four years ago. There have been a few scuffles but whenever they happen I yell "hey stop it" and it ends. After all this time he is the only one who is FIV positive.

    You are doing a great job considering this is your first experience living with cats and dealing with ferals. Whether feral or not, large lions or small domestic, all cats act the same. Boo wanting to explore the downstairs is natural. He could roam whenever he wanted when outside, now he is confined to one room and allowed out occasdionally on one level. Probably has a bit of cabin fever.

  • Jeremy Marshburn 7年 ago

    I went back over the time when Boo was outside and compared his body language directed at Hydrox before he had his big fight on the patio with him to no and I'm not seeing the same behaviors. Admittedly I am only seeing a snap shot and not the whole picture, but I am not seeing any signs of aggression from Boo. Now, I do see that he is certainly excited (either positively or negatively) because his pupils are very dilated. Cats dilate when they are nervous and when they are playing so it's hard to say.

    But I'm not seeing hunting or territorial behavior from him on these videos. I guess maybe something to check for if it's at all possible is the status of his claws when he jumps, but that's a hard thing to catch on a regular camera. I am not sure what other things to look for.

    Normally (as in what I did when I introduced my kitten last year) I would let them together with no input and let them establish the hierarchy and boundaries. But with Boo being FIV+ that's way too dangerous to do.

    I wish there were better answers on what was going on in Boo's head. My gut tells me that he's just playing and that he just has a boundary issues. But I don't know enough to say with any certainty.

  • Andy Lee 7年 ago

    Father n husband

  • Andy Lee 7年 ago

    Try hard after all he is the farher

  • Andy Lee 7年 ago

    Boo still wild

  • zazocar 7年 ago

    I don’t like when a cat is enclosed on a carrier or in a tent and having the other cats free. I think that creates a lot of tension. Swapping places seems more of a positive situation.

  • zazocar 7年 ago

    I think boo needs more time and there is more place switching. Like boo going downstairs and the cats staying upstairs and more positive reinforcement thru the gates, food not treats. Imho

  • Dia Sol 7年 ago

    I just adore boo he's come a long way. He's smart, loving & fun to watch ! I agree w/you about Boo not getting along w/the cats & maybe showing dominance. But there's always potential ! Most every training day has been going pretty smooth between you 2 ! But, looks like this integration w/LF cat fam may take a while longer. Which includes many cat attacks on Boo's end & bc the other cats have been trained i dont think they'll fight back (as hard as Boo). He's attacked Simba a few times now he's aimed for Stella. I dont think Boo understands "yet" that attacking is not allowed. His feral behavior toward another cat is pretty strong in him for now ! Stella, Simba & Splash i think they've progressed as far as they can at this time. I think cats/ animals have the best sense of kindness & danger. And maybe thats why its taking a while for Stella & Splash to come around like Simba. they may sense more danger than kindness. Simba seems like one of those unique cats that would probably get along w/ pet dogs or other pets besides cats . Simba is just happy kind soul that loves♡ his treats, food & cat tower. Stella is still a loving & protective mother who still will give up her food & treats to her grown boys. Splash loves his mommy & brother & still trying to come around. When splash does come around/bloom (cant wait) what a surprise itll be. To watch him roam freely w/o a care who's watching. I know he's already loving & sweet bc of his affectionation to mom & brother. But, I cant wait to see the day when Splash is loving & affectionate to human mommy voluntarily !
    Love your cats, its nice to watch you bring out the best in them. Who would've ever knew their is a loving / sweet personalities waiting to shine w/ just love ♡ & patients ! Im rooting for Boo to pass this integration training part !

  • alfalfacats 7年 ago

    Great video! Where can we find the new cat bed and where is the link to the t-shirt merch??

  • Lillianlilly cp 7年 ago

    Stella looked so cosy in the new soft bed

  • Ben Winkel 7年 ago

    Are those the effects of the arctic cyclone bomb?
    I was thinking when you said that when the cats were outside they were living perfectly fine together. When Stella was raising Simba and Splash, neither she and Boo were spayed/neutered. Tomcats can cause trouble when they are trying to mate again. Maybe thats what caused disturbance in the relationship, when Boo started jumping them.
    Stella was very calm today when Boo was in the room and when she was in the crate. There's definitely progress being made.
    Boo slipping past you downstairs! You gotta have eyes in your back right? 🙂

  • myCat Storyteller 7年 ago

    That was a very bad day for Boo Babaloo, after being threaten to be put in another family and loose his own family, he decide it was time to move. He was picking a few items like a scratch and roll, some fluffy toys and a little ball. He was looking to bring a scratch arch ( his favorite thing) but where he gone put it. He also start to pile some dry food for his long travel, anyway the appetite is not there at all. While he was doing this with his tail dragging on the floor and having always a little tear in the eye, he noticed that his room was already taken by His Son Simba, oof another smack for him. But he was trying to keep a low profile during packing. The problem was to find a suitcase big enough , then he decide to go explore in the basement but oh oh surprise, LF was there with the other cats. Anyway he will figure it during the night with the kids and not a word to Stella who will go say it to LF, just to cause more problem before his eviction. His old enemy Hydrox was very sad of all this. After all, they were fighting for years on the same territory. Cat recognize themselves and Hydrox had offered him to move his stuff with his Peg Perego tractor. Boo had asked to Splash ( the brain) to post an ad on Craiglist for him: Oof Splash was crying a lot but he decide to help his Dad and he place the following ad: Need a cosy home for a lonely cat will be best mate with a friend who have HIV like me. Need to go out sometimes to visit my sons.

    Splash will do it tonight and we will see the answers tomorrow.

    Splash and Simba are not very happy and now they start to fear for their future , may be they will do something wrong one of these day and they will end up on Craiglist too. Splash said: Now, i will always stay under my ottoman, i will be safe. Simba said: I will sleep most of the time on the cat tower, it was safe before, i hope it still is.

    Meanwhile Stella was watching Boo all day to find a good reason to open her mouth to LF and tell everything. Her main goal is to have LF bed only for herself and no Boo smell. She is inducing her evil plan in LF head during her sleep, until now, it work but wait,,, a big surprise gone come for her.

    Yes, both kids are waiting for Boo to find a new home with a LARGE bedroom for three with a main bathroom, 3 beds but one will be more cosy, then they gone escape by the basement window ( the favorite Splash sleeping spot. »In fact he fake sleeping and each day he try to open the window with his claw and it work.

    Now both kids are waiting for Boo's new address then ZWING outside and run with daddy Boo. After all, that was Boo who was working double shift at Catmart to bring some kibble on the table, during that time, Stella was having the big life with her hair on rollers, reading a lot of cat magazine, sipping the most expensive catnip tea, eating a box of cattolate every day and spending the rest of her day sleeping and dreaming about going with Hydrox the barman. Each evening, Boo was coming home exausted and the first thing he was doing was changing the diapers then washing their mini butt and giving them some attention while Stella was watching her tv show. Then Boo was playing with the kids, reading them some cute stories before bed, then he was eating just a bit to live something for the kids.

    Splash and Simba are now older and they know that for a chance, Boo was their only family and yes, they will follow him everywhere, even if they roam during a year outside, they will find their beloved daddy boo. I know that Hydrox have seen all this during the past year and he consider himself very lucky to be outside with his new family The Mousies and his very good friend Mom Mouse Mouse. That is why he decide to help poor Boo with his moving. At least we won't see Boo being an homeless roaming in the street and asking for some spare kibble in front of the Catmart, hey wait, he can go back to work at Catmart since he will be free to go outside in his new home ( He think). Poor Boo, he always see the bad side of thing but he will be in a new home with a nice lady who will dedicate all her time to him and she will be please to receive his sons for the week-end diner or all the time as they wish. Yep, life will be a lot less stressful in another home. Then Stella will have the bed all for herself. Ah the cat life, sometimes. It can look so much like human life.

  • megacide84 7年 ago

    I luv big fluffy tabbies:)

  • whataboutredlorry 7年 ago

    When Boo lived outside he had a huge territory. He could come and go as he pleased at any time and had the whole neighborhood as his hunting ground. He could put aside his territorial behavior for a few minutes to get 'free food' from a human and live the rest of his day doing as he pleased. At any time he could fight anyone for space in the bush or the abandoned houses or wherever.

    Now that Boo is inside, his territory has shrunk down immensely. And he doesn't have control over his routine, where he goes, when he goes, what he does.
    And his spaces that he sleeps/rests/plays/eats are "invaded" by the other cats at regular intervals. So he has no real territory.

    It may very well be that Boo needs to be an solo pet for someone. A cat that doesn't like to share his human or his indoor territory.
    maybe that cats can learn to peacefully co-exist… or maybe not.

    But there does come a point where you have to think how much stress and how long is it worth having unhappy cats while trying to get them to co-exist.?

  • Joe Smith 7年 ago

    Boo: "I'm a very stable genius".

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