添い寝大好き!茶トラ猫「マック」のおもしろ猫動画!「1分43秒」あたしにもおもしろ笑える場面があります。甘えん坊のマックは夏でも毎日飼い主と一緒に寝るほほえみ寝好き。飼い主になつきすぎと思うのは私だけ?少し長めの動画にですが、普段の甘えっぷりをビデオに収めてみました。スリスリ、ベタリ〜甘え上手ですよ(= ^・^ =)
▶▶チャンネル登録↓2匹の猫通信(Cats Life TV)
I would sleep with ur cat. :3
めちゃぁ好きなんだね マック !
またまた癒されにきましにゃ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
You're so lucky! I wish I had a kitty to snuggle with.
Why do cats sleep on top of you?
Posted on December 11, 2013 of Madame Aquamarine
Cats have a connection to the magical, invisible world. Just as dogs are our guardians in the physical world, cats are our protectors in the energy world. During the time spent awake, the cat goes "cleaning" your home from the intruding energies. When you sleep, it filters and transforms this energy. The cat can often be in low-energy circulation Chi vital to activate this area. Often the cat stares for nothing, totally focused insurance … he sees things that we do not see, from microscopic insects to beings from other dimensions.
Many times your cat goes to a secluded house and starts to meow; is not only care what he wants, is a kind of warning that he is giving: the quality of energy that place needs to improve. Our problems, our daily stress is absorbed by the cat. When is too much and the place is full of negative energy, it is not uncommon that the cat is sick. Of course, the cat is not solely responsible for the energy balance of the house, but he is quite hard. The more harmony exists in your environment, less negative energy he will need to filter and consequently will be happier and healthier.
When we sleep our astral bodies are separated from the physical body and go for a fifth dimension, the dimension without time and space: the dimension in which we are when we dream. For lack of training and preparation, most of the time we see this dimension as she is, instead the "disguise" and coded as our psychic and unconscious contents. Cats often accompany us protect these astral travel or astral body, besides taking care of our piece of unwanted spirits when we are sleeping. These are the reasons why they like to sleep with us in bed.
Cats also monitor our evolution. During his life with us, they transmit information to the higher dimensions, serving as radars and transmitters. Moreover, as power transformers they help in healing, playing a similar role to that of the crystals.
Kittens are teachers, they teach us to love. A free love, not submissive, respecter of foreign arbitration and differences. So many people have difficulty living with cats and are "interested". First, you have to win the confidence of the cat. Then you must learn to respect it. He will show you affection when really you're ready, not when you can not send him. Reflect love cats. From the energy point of view, people who are allergic to cats are people who have difficulty let love into their lives. According to Caroline Connor, if there are many people in the family and one cat, it may be overloaded absorbing the negativity of all. It is good to have more than one cat to divide the load between them, especially in those cases.
If you do not have a cat, and suddenly appears one in your life is because you need a kitten at a specific time. The kitten is trying to help. If you can not accept what is important to find a home. The kitten came to you for some reason you can not understand a physical level, but you can discover through dreams. Often the kitten appears, does the job and leaves.
Stay tuned for how cats react to visitors in your home. Many times they are trying to protect a negative or heavy energy field.
#cat #funny cat
I just found this channel and I LOVE IT! If you love cats and you love cat videos you really MUST join this channel. It has a beautiful cat. The owner keeps the camera on the cat 99.999% of the time. There are no screaming, over talkative or loudly laughing owners or other people in the background. There is no loud music and any music that is used is appropriate and does not drown out the sound of the cat's sweet voice. These are videos of a cat that is loved, loved, loved. You will love every video on this channel.
This is the perfect cat video. You have a beautiful cat and you focus the attention on the cat. A lot of videos spend so much time on the cat owners or looking around the home or apartment that little time is spent on the actual cat. I could watch this video for hours over and over again and I probably will.
Cat is so sweet and cute:) Happy new year! 2014
羨ましいイチャイチャぶり!和んだ~(*´∀`) ウチにも茶トラ×白の女子がいて、体の上には乗るけど添い寝はしてくれないんだよな~><。