面白い動物 – あり得ないことをする犬、猫・おもしろ犬、猫のハプニング、失敗集
面白い動物 – あり得ないことをする犬、猫・おもしろ犬、猫のハプニング、失敗集
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Ignorant SOB who compiled this video, what 820 idiots actually 'liked' this pos animal cruelty . rotten kids who will grow up thinking it's ok to hurt animals and stupid mothers thinking their children are too cute.
Animal cruelty videos…
이것은 완전 학대다 ! 이것을 보고 웃어라하는 인간이야말로 사악한짐승이다 !
it is too dangerous
What sort of person aloud these bloody kids that throw kittens , dogs kitten and Cat any sort of animal pick and thrown them across a room Should not be left with any type , and worse of all the parents just laughed and you are twisted
Stupid parents …………….yuuuukkkkk……ehhhheeeehhhhhh…….shiiiiissssshhhhhh……look first before you post on YouTube ….you stupid……..savage
Are we supposed to be amused by the kitten getting thrown. Children can be unknowingly cruel to pets; its up to parents to protect both child and pet and clearly this didn't happen here… shame on the parent.
In this Video are man rude children and very big idiots of parents.
1.23 i would kick this ugly Child and his Mother in her as ….poor little cat.
Some moments are really terrible and not funny. Kids may do not know that pets may feel the pain, but parents, what did they think about?
I did watch it again The little kid was shaking the white kitten violently and looking to get instructions from the mother what to do. When she got tiered of shaking the kitten violently just threw poor kitten away. God punish you stupid animal abusing lady…
At time 1:22 where the little girls picks up a little kitten and throws the kitten away after swinging the kitten, then throws the kitten away really made me angry and yet shamelessly they have put it on You tube. most likely the mother was filming her own ignorance…
Not funny the cild and pets are at risk…..what parent allow this to take palce?
you share video help me
1:19 I ran on the side of the TV looking for that pussy could not find it I am so mad
Some Parent in this video are really stupid
Are you kidding me? You think these are all funny? Idiots.
At 10:55, the guy makes me mad the way he pulls the dog's leg off the kid. The kid is climbing all over the of, and when the dog turns over on its side, the guy grabs the dog's leg, causing the dog to stare at the guy in a way the dog looked as if it was wanting to know what it did wrong. Maybe the guy should keep the kid from rough housing with the dog, before the guy decides to take the dog to a shelter for a crappy reason, like what was in the video.
Cuteness overload!
Babies and small animals don’t mix. Some of these clips are cruel to the animals. Don’t allow children to maul animals.
better to hear the laughter of children than that anodyne music.
No me gustó este vídeo y deje de verlo cuando el bebé tira al gatico ,como dejan que un bebé trate así a un animalito no es culpa del bebé si no de los adultos que lo rodean por eso le di un no me gusta
Thank you for sharing a very adorable & cute video. ..of beby and animals
Lindos crianca e animal sao encrivel eu amor
Il y des choses vraiment plaisantes,mais y en a qui n'a pas de limite et ça rigole comme des nuls pauvre monde
No es gracioso cuando le dan para jugar a un niño chiquito un animalito. Ellos no saben que bo son juguetes