猫のハルお気に入りのバーに行ってきました!最初はお行儀良くしてたけど… =^_^;= もし気に入っていただけましたら登録ボタン横の通知べルをオンにすると、配信されるハル動画のお知らせがいちはやく届きますです!=^_^= If you like video, have the notification bell on, thank you! =^_^=
Hal is so well behaved. It must be really nice to be able to take him so many different places and not have to worry about him trying to run away and get into mischief or hide because he's afraid. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Cat Hal walks into a bar – the bartender says, "What'll you have?" Cat Hal says, "A shot of milk." The bartender pours Cat Hal his drink. Cat Hal slowly pushes the shot off the table. "Another."
猫のハルお気に入りのバーに行ってきました!最初はお行儀良くしてたけど… =^_^;=
If you like video, have the notification bell on, thank you! =^_^=
It was pretty cute at the start as it looked like he was trying to play Peek-a-Boo! 😀
awesome video, thankyou and thumbs up, Gigi from Austria
Hal is so well behaved. It must be really nice to be able to take him so many different places and not have to worry about him trying to run away and get into mischief or hide because he's afraid. Thanks for sharing 🙂
I want to have a beer with Hal!
うちに来てやりたい放題してくださいよぉー(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
デザート美味しそうだにゃン!ちゅーるは魅惑のおやつだから食べる時の格好なんてきにしてらんないもんね^_^ いつ見てもハル君可愛いなぁ。ニャンと行けるバーって素敵ですね。
Cat Hal walks into a bar – the bartender says, "What'll you have?" Cat Hal says, "A shot of milk." The bartender pours Cat Hal his drink. Cat Hal slowly pushes the shot off the table. "Another."
(*´ω`*)ヨカッタネ~ちゅ~る貰えて~( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎