鈴を鳴らし続けちゃうはな、そしてまるとの絶妙な空気感。Hana keeps ringing the bell with her favorite toy in her mouth.
#猫 #はな #cats

鈴を鳴らし続けちゃうはなねこ3。-Hana keeps ringing the bell 3.-
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鈴を鳴らし続けちゃうはな、そしてまるとの絶妙な空気感。Hana keeps ringing the bell with her favorite toy in her mouth.
#猫 #はな #cats
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Hana should undergo psychi-cat-tric examination for bell-fixation. Maru offers no support.
Look Maru I can ring the bell. Maru is like who cares.
Hana: Look what I have! You can't have it. It's mine!
Maru: I don't care, really.
Hana: *ding ding ding*! It's mine! Haha!
Maru: …
I love Hana so much! <3
Hana looks depressed af
What are you doing to these cats to behave like this?
Maybe Hana is musically inclined
I think she wants Maru to ring the bell.
Maru-san : Hana-chan what’s up with all that noise?” Hana-san: “Maru-chan Senpai It’s stuck! I can’t seem to get the darn thing out of my mouth! I keep signaling mom to help but she just thinks I’m kawaii and like playing with the bell. Well, of course I am kawaii but that’s beside the point!”
I think she wants Maru to ring it – this is so adorbs, I can't take it! But Maru is like "NO I don't want to ring your bell…. <turns head away in disgust>" That kind of made me sad at the end. Hana just wants to play… <sad face>